BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2021

Have You Found Your IKIGAI Of Life? #BlogchatterA2Z

Life Is Ocean: Myriad Of Emotion – Understanding Ikigai Ikigai gives your life a purpose while giving you the grit to carry on –Ken Mogi Ikigai can be defined as a sense of being alive now, an individual’s consciouness as a motive to live – Aikihiro Hasegawa What Is Ikigai? Wikipedia says, “The term Ikigai compounds two Japanese …

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How To Proceed Guilt Free Life? #BlogchatterA2Z

Life Is Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions– Today’s emotion ‘Guilt’ ‘The guilt you feel finally comes to an end when you fully express how it came into your consciousness.’ ~ Luke Garne ‘Guilt is an indulgence, it entangles you in the past.’ ~ Gregg Herwitz Mistakes and guilt both generate by our “wrongdoings“. Humans are made to …

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8 Things To Sacrifice For Better Future #BlogchatterA2Z:

Life Is Ocean : Myriad Of Emotions– Today Emotion is ‘Sacrifice’ “The most important decision about your goals is not what you’re willing to do to achieve them, but what you are willing to give up.” Dave Ramsey “Success is a simple measurement of the commitment. sacrifice and pain one endures to achieve a dream.” …

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Think To Embrace Your Imperfections #BlogchatterA2Z

Life Is Motion: Myriad Of Emotions – Today’s Emotion is Embrace ” To practice extreme self-care, you must learn to love yourself unconditionally, accept your imperfections, embrace your vulnerabilities”~Cheryl Richardson To embrace your imperfections, let go of identifying yourself as incompetent and personify the wholeness of your real being. In the rabble, where flaunting your victory, accomplishments, has …

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You Might Have Been Here Before! ‘Deja Vu’ #BlogchatterA2Z

Life Is Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions– Today’s emotion ‘Deja Vu’ Have you ever stopped and shook your head for a while and felt that you have lived the current moment before? I think the day when you were walking in the office corridor, or doing laundry, or maybe watching movies, if not that probably working …

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Confrontation Is More An Art Than Science #BlogchatterA2Z

Life Is Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions: Today’s emotion is Confrontation Confrontation with self makes the way easier; ideally, a kind of self-acceptance about reality and being artificial. Whereas confronting someone is onerous, agonizing, and nerve-racking. It can damage the relation, mental health of either side if the case does not handle carefully. The word confrontation …

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Latest Trend Of Bullying! #BlogchatterA2Z

Life Is Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions: Today’s emotion Bullying Bullying, in any form, is considered the most heinous crime. Unfortunately, it can be experienced by anyone at any stage of life. Some are visible, while others can be more subtle. Common Trend Of Bullying Before taking you towards the latest trend of Bullying, have a …

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Appreciate The Things You See Or You Feel #BlogChatterA2ZChallenge

Life Is Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions. – Today’s emotion “Appreciation” Bring it on all the emotions beyond their standard meaning, according to the present era and trend. Let’s take it one by one. Tell me, with all your honesty, How do you feel when you appreciate someone, or you get appreciated by someone? The feeling …

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Theme Reveal Of BlogchatterA2Z Challenge

With succeeding winters and preceding summer, Spring season knocked down, with the toughest challenge of the year. Yes! Here comes another year of Blogchatter A2Z Challenge 2021. In 2019 when I came to know about the BlogchatterA2Z Challenge, I instantly took the plunge and got registered for it with zero preparation. There were no buddies, …

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